Fave photo of the week

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Aunts galore!

Bubby and Megan with the great-aunts, aunts and Nonny-Grandma.

Today's question:

How many siblings do you have?

My answer: Above on the couch with Megan and Bubby are three of my four sisters. I also have two brothers. All seven of us are immediate siblings -- no step. (Although there are a couple step on both sides but they don't really count because we were all adults by that time and we never have contact with one another.)

Fave photo of the week

'Twas a happy birthday for Jim!

Brianna, Jim and Andrea

Today's question:

What expression do you normally have on your face?

My answer: Concentration. I have to occasionally remind myself to stop furrowing my brow and open my eyes in wide surprise to reverse the big ol' wrinkle thinking too hard creates between my eyes. My mind is always going 631 miles an hour -- and not necessarily on anything of any importance.

Fave photo of the week

Brianna brought my granddog Hunter over for a visit this past week so he could play with Mickey and Lyla for a bit. After an hour or so of running around in the yard, the trio decided to hang out with me while I worked on the computer.

This is what I saw each time I glanced over my shoulder:

Left to right: Mickey, Lyla and Hunter.

Today's question:

Dogs and cats live for their naps, and I recently read that one-third of American adults nap on a typical day. Do you take naps?

My answer: I don't nap, not even on weekends, although I probably should. In fact, since being laid off from my full-time job more than a year ago, I've taken exactly ONE nap -- and I was sick. It's not because I'm high energy and don't need to recharge; it's because I feel guilty for not being productive. (Yeah, I got issues ... or so I've been told.)

Fave photo of the week

My bloggin' friends Tammy and Tracey are far better photographers than I am (and they know how to use Photoshop!), but I thought I did a pretty good job with this photo I took with my little point-and-shoot in my front yard last week.

I like the juxtaposition of the green of spring emerging in the background, while the ice of winter occupies the foreground.

Today's question:

What's a sure signal for you that spring is finally on its way?

My answer: The chitter-chatter of the birds. We have numerous trees surrounding our house, and as the days warm up, the birdsong increases. My favorite: the solemn song of the mourning dove.

Fave photo of the week

My valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today's question:

Other than family and significant others, what's one thing you love, love, love?

My answer: I love, love, love settling into bed at night: crisp sheets and heavy comforter pulled up to my neck, a good book propped on the throw pillow on my stomach and my crazy cat Isabel snuggled up on my shoulder as I read a few pages before falling asleep.

Fave photo of the week

"Here, bunny, bunny, bunny."

Today's question:

What movie can you not believe everyone didn't love?

My answer: I love After Hours, a 1985 dark (dark) comedy directed by Martin Scorsese, yet everyone I recommend it to just says "meh...". If you've seen it, let me know what you think -- as well as what movie YOU loved that others, surprisingly, didn't.

Fave photo of the week

"Mmmmm ... ketchup! I'll eat ANYthing that has ketchup on it -- even plates! I loooove ketchup!"

Today's question from "If...(Questions for the Game of Life)":

If you could change one of your personality traits, what would it be?

I would like to not worry! I fret over bizarre things happening to my loved ones and worry about chaos and calamities that will never be (I hope!) and it just zaps my brain more than brains were ever meant to be zapped.

Fave photo of the week

My hero: A firefighter in training.

Today's question from "If...(Questions for the Game of Life)":

If you had to cast living actors to play you and one other person in your life in a film about your life, who would you choose to play each person?

I would choose Laura Linney to play me and Javier Bardem to play my husband. (He's nothing like Jim and vice versa, but it'd be interesting. And hey ... it's the movies!)

Fave photo of the week

Yep, this truly is my favorite little boy in the whole entire world!

Today's question from the Zobmondo "Would You Rather...?" board game:

Would you rather live forever as a 13-year-old -OR- as a 65-year-old?

I think I'd rather live forever as a 65-year-old. For one thing, you can't legally drink as a 13-year-old -- and although I'm not a lush by any means, I do like a drink now and then -- but more importantly, the older I get, the more comfortable I am in my (saggier and wrinklier by the minute) skin. As a 13-year-old, I was so horribly shy and uncomfortable and unsure of myself. I'd never want to be 13 again.