Goodnight, sweet boy
/Goodnight sweet boy
Thank you to everyone who left kind and caring comments regarding my dog Mickey on last week’s GRAND Social post as well as on social media. Unfortunately pancreatitis proved to be too much for my 15-year-old baby. Mickey passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2020.
Read MoreSick old man
/Sick old man
My old man Mickey has been quite sick since Friday morning. To say he feels under the weather is an egregious understatement.
After a long day of no appetite and atrocious symptoms Friday, I called the vet late that afternoon and secured an early Saturday appointment. Blood work, x-rays and a bloody (literally) exam confirmed pancreatitis.
Read MoreSix blessings of my dog's senior status
/Our dog is getting old. Depending on the chart used, Mickey — the pit-pointer we rescued at six weeks old — has reached senior status, hovering anywhere around 80 years old to 93 or so.
Mickey’s advanced age is obvious in myriad ways. The bold brown coloring on his face has gone gray, he has trouble on stairs, he sleeps much of the time, he rarely gets excited about even his once most favorite things … including squirrels needing his exuberant escorting out of the yard and …
Read MoreMy (uneventful) week in photos
/I haven't done much of anything worth writing home about about on my blog this past week. Which, in all honesty, is okay with me. Sometimes busyness and booked calendars are highly overrated (not to mention exhausting).
Even with nothing much on the agenda, though, I did manage to take — and in one case, appropriate from my daughter's Facebook page — photos of the nothing much marking my days. Following are a few such markings from my past week.
A chainsaw-crafted set o' friendly bears a neighbor recently...