Weekend movie review: Secret in Their Eyes

The movie SECRET IN THEIR EYES is about a lot of things. It's about a team of investigators working diligently to nab terrorists following the September 11 tragedy. A team that ends up involved in and forever changed by investigating the heinous rape and murder of the daughter of one of their own.

Secret in Their Eyes DVD

It's also about unrequited romance. And choices. And loss and regrets and revenge and the...

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Final countdown! Plus, GRAND Social No. 204 link party for grandparents

Final Countdown

With mere hours remaining in my desert visit, I'm soaking up as much fun in the sun with my grandkiddos as I can.

Shooting as many photos as I can, too. Here are a few I especially love:

toddler and book
Jak enjoys a book break.

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Desert view, plus GRAND Social No. 203 link party for grandparents

Desert view

I'm in the desert with my grandsons! Woot! I've been here since late Friday night. My original departure was scheduled for Saturday afternoon but due to Winter Storm Vexo (yes, the true name), I had to change to an earlier flight and dash out of Denver before being snowed in and unable to get to the desert.

My favorite view so far? This:


There will be more to come, so be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where I'll...

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Weekend movie review: Disney's The Jungle Book

I bristle a bit when I hear that a beloved film is being remade. So when I saw sometime back that THE JUNGLE BOOK, the fabulous Disney film that was one of the very first Disney films I shared with my oldest grandson (second only to MARY POPPINS), I worried. I worried Mowgli — whom my grandson adored — wouldn't be the same. That the adorable elephant walk scene my grandson and I reenacted again and again wouldn't be the same. That Baloo and his scratchin' while singing Bare Necessities wouldn't be the same.

 the jungle book 2016

And I was right. It's all very different in this new version of THE JUNGLE BOOK. Because it's live action. No colorfully drawn chimps or...

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