How I know 2016 will be my year

I'm not big on signs and such but...

Oh, wait. I'm a big ol' liar if I leave that in print.

Okay, okay... I am big on signs. Of all sorts. I admit it.

Think I'm silly, if you must. You won't think I'm all that silly, though, once you get a load of this:

The new year, 2016, is going to be my year. The signs say so. Two signs in a row, in fact, that things will soon be looking up for me, signs that 2016 will indeed be my year.

(Which would be awesome and appreciated and oh-so very welcome considering the <cussing> <cus> of a <cussing> year 99 percent of <cussing> 2015 was for me and my loved ones.)

The first sign came when my forever friend Debbie and I went to lunch last week. We've had lunch...

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Movie review: JOY

I never expected to tear up over a story about a mop. Tear up a time or two I did, though, while watching the film JOY, which tells the tale of a mop and the woman who became a multimillionaire following the success of her Miracle Mop creation.

JOY movie 

Going into the screening of JOY, I didn't know it was about a mop. Nor did I know it was based on the real-life success story of Miracle Mop creator Joy Mangano of QVC fame. The trailer didn't reveal...

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Holiday pounds affect more than people

I don't know about you, but I've definitely increased in poundage over the past month or two, thanks to the tasty treats and temptations of the season.

People aren't the only ones putting on pounds this time of year, though. Proof of such an assertion: the squirrel of mixed-race — apparently the result of hanky panky between a regular tan squirrel and an Abert's squirrel — I spotted outside my window the other day.

chubby mixed-race squirrel

Chubby little fella...

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Pie faced! Plus GRAND Social No 186 link party for grandparents

Pie faced!

Happy Christmas week!

I gave my grandsons and their parents their Christmas gifts from PawDad and me when I visited them a couple weeks ago. One of the gifts I gave Bubby, Mac, and Jak was the game Pie Face. It was an instant hit with Mac, who exclaimed, "OH! I wanted this game for Christmas!" as he enthusiastically ripped off the wrapping paper.

pie face game 

Bubby — who doesn't like whipped cream, a main ingredient of Pie Face game play...

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