11+ things grandmas do when no one else wants to or can (2020 edition)

11+ things grandmas do when no one else wants to or can (2020 edition)

Several years ago I wrote a post on things grandmas do when others won’t. Upon publishing that, many experienced grandmas commented with additional tasks to add to the list.

I’ve intended to update that post to include those comments for quite some time and have simply never gotten around to it. But considering the amount of spare time Covid restrictions have afforded most of us, I’ve finally done it.

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Three for two: Celebrating Benjamin's birthday

Three for two: Celebrating Benjamin's birthday

My youngest grandson (not counting the one due in November) turned two years old on Saturday. Benjamin celebrated his big day in the most fall-like way with a visit to the Pumpkin Farm.

Being a fall baby comes with the benefit of fabulous weather for marking the occasion, and Benjamin got full advantage of that, with his official birthday outing to the pumpkin farm bookended by a couple other outdoor festivities.

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Streamin' and screamin': My top 10 scariest films

Streamin' and screamin': My top 10 scariest films

‘Tis the scary season—and no, I’m not talking about Covid and our political climate (though those are downright frightening, for sure).

No, I’m talking about Halloween time.

As folks peruse streaming services for scary stuff to watch in celebration of the season, I’d like to offer a few films that forever scarred, I mean memorably scared me, on the off-chance others may wish to be similarly scarred, I mean, scared.

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Ideal backdrop

Ideal backdrop

Ideal backdrop

Last week I shared with you some of the reasons I love the look of fall right outside my back door.

Over the weekend, I discovered another reason: It’s the ideal autumn backdrop for my goofy daughter Andrea and her equally goofy hubby, Allen, to pose for silly shots during a special birthday celebration (more on that to come).

Their attitude inspires me to approach the new week in a similarly carefree way. I hope sharing the shots does the same for you.

Plus … GRAND Social No. 411 link party for grandparents

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Backyard bliss 2020

Backyard bliss 2020

The spectrum of fall colors in Colorado can range from brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows one hopes remain on tree branches all season to crunchy, crispy, brown disappointments offering satisfaction only once raked, bagged, and gone. It all depends on the when the first hard freeze arrives.

Despite most everything else about 2020 causing dismay and despondency, fall colors in Colorado this year are the best I recall in my forty-plus years in the state. Thanks to no hard freeze yet. (Knock wood!)

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