Tips for introducing grandkids to gardening

Tips for introducing grandkids to gardening

The recent warmer days are likely to have grandparents and grandkids eager to dive into outdoor activities. As you set out to set up this year’s garden, find ways to get grands in on the action, too.

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How to survive being a long-distance grandma to a baby

How to survive being a long-distance grandma to a baby

I first fully grasped the definition of the word 'bittersweet' in late 2007, when I learned I was going to be a grandmother. I was thrilled to have a grandbaby on the way, but it literally hurt my heart to know I'd be only a minor player in the baby's daily life, due to how far away my new grandchild would live.

Yes, I was a long-distance grandma from the get-go. I’m still a long-distance grandma to the one who first made me a grandmother. To his two brothers, as well.

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Family-friendly ideas for summer fun with grandchildren

Family-friendly ideas for summer fun with grandchildren

Warm, sunny days are the perfect setting for making family memories, but they’re also ideal opportunities to encourage grandkids to get creative and let their imaginations soar.

These ideas for summertime activities encourage family interaction, and the more kids get to help plan and organize the details, the more engaged you can expect them to be.

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30 'firsts' only grandparents celebrate

30 'firsts' only grandparents celebrate

There are numerous firsts in a child's life worth celebrating. The milestones Mom and Dad mark, though, likely aren’t the same ones Grandma and Grandpa celebrate.

Here are 30 firsts in the life of a grandchild that warm a grandparent's heart and warrant a happy dance.

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2020 Christmas

2020 Christmas

I hope everyone managed at least a smidgen of comfort and joy during their holiday festivities. As with most families, Jim and I drastically limited our time gathering with our …

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