Saturday movie PREview—and giveaway: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The last time my husband and I went to see a movie at the theater, we did as we always do: Jim headed off for the popcorn while I made my way to the theater to nab our seats. As I sought out the correct theater, a middle-aged couple walked just ahead of me. Suddenly the woman stopped in her tracks as her hubby kept walking. The woman was mesmerized by the movie poster in the hallway.

As I got closer, I realized what had caught her eye... and I joined her in front of the colorful, oversized promotion for THE SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL.

second best exotic marigold hotel

"I can't wait to see this! Did you see the first one?" she asked in dreamy tone.

"Oh, yeah," I said in an equally smooth voice as we...

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Here and Now: February 26, 2015

The second edition of my new Here and Now feature...

here and now grandma's briefs

On my mind...

Why can I recall every single word of songs from my youth that I now hear only once a year or so yet simply CANNOT get down the lyrics of current hits I hear on the radio at least once a day? Is it age? Is it because...

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When grandchildren move away: 10 things to send with them

When grandchildren move away: 10 things to send with them

Sometimes, regardless of how much we wish things could be different, grandchildren and their parents move away from Grandma and Grandpa. Perhaps there's a better financial situation for Mom or Dad farther away, or maybe it's a marital split that results in beloved grandbabies being relocated farther from grandparents than ever before.

I have always been a long-distance grandma—my grandsons have never lived near me. So I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be to learn grandchildren who lived nearby will soon live miles and miles away. Such a transition is surely hurtful not only for the grandparents, but for the grandchildren, too.

when grandchildren move away

As a longtime long-distance grandma, though, I do know there...

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Saturday movie review: McFarland USA

My oldest daughter ran cross-country for a bit in high school, and she and her two sisters all enjoy running events of various sorts still as adults. Which means I knew a little something about the cross-country sport going into MCFARLAND USA, based on the true story of one of the most incredible teams in cross-country history. You need not know a single thing about the sport, though, in order to enjoy and appreciate—as well as root for—MCFARLAND USA.

mcfarland usa movie

MCFARLAND USA is set in 1987 and stars Kevin Costner as the real-life Jim White, a down...

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Here and Now: February 19, 2015

My friend Lois, blogger extraordinaire at Midlife At The Oasis, recently started a new feature on her site, called currently. Because I think it's a nifty idea for a feature—and because I'm a copycat—I'm going to do something similar every Thursday here on Grandma's Briefs. 

With that in mind, welcome to my first "Here and Now" feature in which I share with you what's happening in my life right here and now. I hope in the comments you'll share a bit of what's happening in yours.

here and now graphic

On my mind...

Like everyone else...

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