Here and now: July 6, 2017

My life, here and now...

here and now 

On my mind...

July? How the heck can it be July already?

Even how-the-heckier: How can the first week of July already be nearly over?


I'm about halfway through Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker. I can't say I love it at this point, but I am intrigued and will continue reading.

Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker

Check it out on Goodreads. And hey, if you're on Goodreads...

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Here and now: October 21, 2016

What's up in my world:

old time clock and book 

Mail-in ballots. Voting used to be an event for my husband and me. Although we nearly always canceled out one another's vote on national elections (we did agree for the most part on local issues and amendments), we always — always — went to the polls together. Even if that meant rearranging lunch hours or heading to the polls early as can be, depending on our schedules when we both had full-time jobs. Going to the polling place was a big deal. We were proud to exercise our right and responsibility together, we delighted in sporting our I VOTED stickers afterward.

Now most of our elections are done via mail-in ballot. We both thoroughly

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Here and now: March 3, 2016

It's been a while since I've shared what's happening right here, right now in my world. Here goes:

here and now

On my mind...

My dad. The week I found out Lyla had brain cancer, I also found out my dad was diagnosed with a relatively rare form of cancer that's, kind of, a precursor to leukemia, something called...

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