GRAND Social No. 98 link party plus a survey plug


Have you commented on my Rate the grandparent gig survey? Have you read the ratings — and comments — provided by other grandparents?

If not, I'd be delighted if you'd do both, please. Just click here to see what I'm talking about.

truth about grandparenting

Commenting will be enabled on...

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Saturday movie review: 'Austenland'

Movies based on the lives of authors or anything remotely related to authors, though often good, tend to be, well, a tad stuffy and serious. That is so very much not the case with AUSTENLAND. And yes, the "Austen" part of the title does indeed relate to the esteemable Jane Austen, author of such classics as Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and So. Many. More.


A comedy about dear Ms. Austen? Well, it's not...

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You oughta be in pictures, kid

You oughta be in pictures, kid

I take a lot of photos. Such a statement surely is no surprise to regular readers of Grandma's Briefs as I've shared thousands of them here since starting this site in July of 2009.

photo storage closet 

Those are the photos on my blog. Then there are those I have saved on my computer, a collection that's at least ten times what I've shared...

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Care for yourself: 16 ways grandparents should follow their own advice

Care for yourself: 16 ways grandparents should follow their own advice

We grandparents regularly show love and encouragement to our grandchildren. Yet how often do we turn that steady flow of love and encouragement on ourselves? If you're like me, not often.

Time for that to change.

Following are sixteen ways to nurture and care for yourself in ways you likely encourage your grandchildren to care for and about their selves.

boy walking dog

(15 more follow...)
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