A grand monster mash

A grand monster mash

Hooray for Halloween! And for Halloween fun courtesy JibJab!

Do you make JibJab videos featuring your grandkiddos? I made a fun one for Halloween and hoped to embed it here for all to see. Alas, JibJab no longer allows users to download their videos for embedding (boo!), so here are a few screenshots of my creation.

I'd love for ya'll to see the silliness in full, though, so if you have a sec, click on over to my grand monster mash mixup for ghoulishly goofy Happy Halloween wishes from...

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Halloween candy stats by state, plus GRAND Social No. 276 link party for grandparents

Halloween candy stats by state, plus GRAND Social No. 276 link party for grandparents

We're one week out from trick-or-treat time. Have you stocked up on candy yet?

I recently received an interesting graphic from CandyStore.com on the top treats by state. Scroll over the interactive map for a closer look at the sweet stats.

What's tops in your state? I was surprised to see that M&Ms weren't tops in Colorado, where apparently Milky Ways are king, considering how many pounds of the plain or peanut goodies my husband...

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My first video review, plus GRAND Social link party No. 119

My first video review

When I first started the Grandma's Briefs website way back in 2009, I planned to not share photos of myself. It seemed best to keep the site all about my grandson — it was back when Bubby was my one and only — and staying kind of anonymous was the way to go, I thought.

NewAir Water Dispenser review

What a stupid...

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