Goodnight, sweet boy

Goodnight, sweet boy

Goodnight sweet boy

Thank you to everyone who left kind and caring comments regarding my dog Mickey on last week’s GRAND Social post as well as on social media. Unfortunately pancreatitis proved to be too much for my 15-year-old baby. Mickey passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2020.

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Grand spinners from Krokotak!

Grand spinners from Krokotak!

Grand spinners from Krokotak!

I'm always on the lookout for cool and creative crafts for kids. My grandkids in particular. Because the majority of my grandkiddos live more than 800 miles away, I rarely execute said crafts with my grandsons, but I do love to collect ideas for "one day." (Much like I collect cookbooks and recipes... yet make the same standards again and again.)

Anyway, if you like Grandma's Briefs on Facebook, you may already know one of my favorite sources for clever activities for kids is Krokotak. I'm not sure what the name means or who's behind the magic, but I…

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When you really love ice cream

When you really love ice cream

When you really love ice cream!

At the start of last week's GRAND Social post, I shared with you my oh-so sad grandson Declan who oh-so-badly wanted to go to Disneyland.

Now, that video may misrepresent that particular grandkiddo a smidgen, as sad is oh-so far from Declan's typical disposition.

So today, at the start of this week's GRAND Social, I share with you a shot—four, actually—that better show the more common, more comedic side of my wacky youngest grandson.

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7 significant BEs of being a significant grandmother

7 significant BEs of being a significant grandmother

BE unconditional

Grandchildren come in assorted shapes, sizes, aptitudes, attitudes, with varied qualities and quirks. Love them because of those, regardless of those, in spite of those.


BE fair

Wherever two or more grandkids gather or grow, possibilities for playing favorites flourish. Avoid the all-too-human temptation to...

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Friday flashback: How to make a pillow chaise for children

My bonus grandson, Bud, turns 9 tomorrow and we'll be celebrating his birthday (along with his dad's, which was Wednesday) on Sunday. Brianna requested I make Bud a pillow chaise like the ones I made Bubby and Mac a few years ago — back before Bud was part of the family — so he's more comfy lounging on the floor on movie nights.

Bud's favorite color is red so I gathered the goods to create a red birthday chaise.

pillow chaise for children 

As I'll be spending a portion of today putting the present together, I figure it's a fine time to feature the post on doing so as today's Friday flashback. (Speaking of time, it's likely time I create a pillow chaise for Jak, too, as he wasn't around either when I made the original ones for his brothers.)

(Originally published January 10, 2013)

Every once in a great while, I surprise myself and do something that exceeds my expectations. Most recently, it was the making of the pillow chaise lounging thingees I gave my grandsons for Christmas. They turned out far better than I expected, and were received with far more appreciation than I thought might be the case, especially considering they weren't toys — which, as I learned here, are far preferable to practical presents.

What? You missed my post about giving Bubby and Mac their pillow chaises? Well take a look at their joy and ability to play slug in front of the television, thanks to a soft and comfy gift from Gramma.

pillow chaise for kids

At the time I posted that, many readers wondered...

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