Fave photo of the week

Brianna brought my granddog Hunter over for a visit this past week so he could play with Mickey and Lyla for a bit. After an hour or so of running around in the yard, the trio decided to hang out with me while I worked on the computer.

This is what I saw each time I glanced over my shoulder:

Left to right: Mickey, Lyla and Hunter.

Today's question:

Dogs and cats live for their naps, and I recently read that one-third of American adults nap on a typical day. Do you take naps?

My answer: I don't nap, not even on weekends, although I probably should. In fact, since being laid off from my full-time job more than a year ago, I've taken exactly ONE nap -- and I was sick. It's not because I'm high energy and don't need to recharge; it's because I feel guilty for not being productive. (Yeah, I got issues ... or so I've been told.)

Preparing for goodbye

As we inch closer and closer to the closing date on Brianna's house, I think more and more about how much Mickey is going to miss Hunter when Hunter moves to his new home with Brianna.

Hunter has lived with us three of Mickey's four years and although he can be a real shit sometimes (Napoleon complex and all ...), he's been a constant buddy for Mickey, especially since Moses went off to heaven in July.

He can also be a cute little guy that you just want to hug and squeeze and have sit on your lap. To be quite frank, I'm not sure who's going to miss Hunter more -- me or Mickey.

We're going to have to arrange lots of visits to Grandma's house for Hunter once he moves away. For Mickey's sake, of course.

The Saturday Post

I think it's only fair to disclose that although Bubby is my favorite granchild, he's not my only one. To be honest, I have several.

And since I write so much about Bubby, I suppose it's only right to dedicate at least one post to introducing you to all the others.

Here goes:

This is Brianna's dog Hunter, my live-in granddoggy:

And this is Kamelia, Andrea's kitty (who's now about a year older than she was in this photo):

Last but not least, there's Roxy, aka Bubby's best buddy:

But since I've now introduced you to all my grandkiddos, I certainly can't leave out all my children -- those in addition to my grown gals, Brianna, Megan and Andrea.

Of course, you've already met Mickey:

But you've not yet met my all-time favorite (feline) gals:

Abigail (Abby):

And Isabel:

Yep, my house -- and heart -- are full. (Of course, additional HUMAN grandchildren are always more than welcome!)