Grandma gives thanks

“The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”
― Henry Ward Beecher


In recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday, folks all across the Internet have been posting their 30 days of thanks, listing each day of November something for which they're thankful.

I've not been doing that. Not because I don't have at least 30 things I'm thankful for, but because I don't have the attention span to list those 30 things for 30 days running. I know myself: I'd forget one day then have to make it up the next, only to find myself too busy to post and end up with a week's worth of thanks to share. (For exactly that reason — my crazy short attention span — don't expect to ever see a novel from me either. It's one trait I'm not particularly thankful for.)

I do have so much to be thankful for, though.

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