Hot dogs!

Hot dogs!

Summer arrived to Colorado Springs packing heat this past weekend. In a house with no air conditioning, we all suffered. Jim and I — and Andrea when she visited for Father's Day — were pretty good about keeping our distress under wraps... for the most part.

The dogs, though? Mickey was determined to soak up a little sunshine Sunday morning out on the deck, despite the sweltering heat.

pit pointer mix 

His suffering was unmistakeable. And assuaged moments after that photo when...

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Our new baby

We've got a new baby in the family. Though there's no little grandson to compete with Bubby at the moment, there is a new canine grandson.

He's Andrea's new puppy and his name is Luke, as in Luke Skywalker because he resembles an ewok but all the ewok names were far too goofy. So Luke it is.

Luke is a Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu hybrid, otherwise known as a Zuchon. He's 10 weeks old and just an adorable puff of fluff, weighing in at less than five pounds.

Here's a video of the little guy during his first visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house on Father's Day. (Do note that his final act won't occur anymore once he gets fixed; he's still just a tad too young for surgery.)


Today's question:

What's your favorite dog breed?

My answer: While the hybrids and purebreds are cute and all, I'm more of a mutt/rescue-dog person. I love my mutts Lyla and Mickey. And the more unwanted the breed (ahem, pit bulls ... like my Mickey) the more I think they deserve lots of love, affection and rescuing.