Telling it like it is: This week's Grilled Grandma

This week's Grilled Grandma, Ellen, is straightforward, matter of fact, and to the point. And I love that, admire that. Mostly because I'm so not that way. I tend to take three times the verbiage necessary to get to the point of something, hemming and hawing all the way through.

So today I'm going to follow Ellen's lead and get right to the point. That point? Go check out Grilled Grandma: Ellen! It's worth it. Her words are worth it. Her photos are worth it. She's worth it. And a visit to her blog is worth it, too.

(How'd I do? Straightforward enough?)

Today is Dec. 1 and for the month of December I'll be posting holiday-themed daily questions. Some of the questions will come from holiday books or games I have, some of the questions will be made up. To kick things off, here is today's:

Holiday question of the day:

If you could magically return to Christmastime at any previous age, what age would you return to and why?

Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road

One of the interesting things about being a grandmother is that you have this feeling -- or at least I do -- that you're going through the grandparenting phase in a vacuum, with few others who know exactly how you feel, few others who think and do exactly as you do. I often think I surely must be the only one in the world so totally in love with my grandchild, so consumed with the desire to do and be the very best that I can be, for my kids, for my grandkids. Do you other grandmas feel that way, or is it just me?

This week's Grilled Grandma, Vicki, makes it clear that it's not just me, that my experience is one shared by many grandmas. The majority of Vicki's responses to my Grilled Grandma questions resonate and replicate what I think I might say ... and think ... and feel if I were answering such questions.

Read Grilled Grandma: Vicki to see if you agree and to learn great things about this special grandma ... who's so much like you ... so much like me.

Just gotta say: These Grilled Grandma profiles continually underscore that we grandmas are more alike than we are different. Clearly, when it comes to grandparenting, we're not alone. We walk this road together. And I love that.

I hope you do, too.

Today's question:

It's a Hump Day Free-for-All! What's on YOUR mind today?

Grilled Grandma/Hump Day Free-For-All

Grandmas share a deep, dark secret, one most of us don't like to admit to, one we hope others never learn. We're a little ashamed of it, but we can't help ourselves. This week's Grilled Grandma, Laura, has no qualms about admitting it, though.

What might that secret be? As Laura reveals in her grilling: "I'm not very good at sharing."

Now, Laura's not talking about sharing shoes or dessert or driving duty on long road trips. No, she's talking about sharing her grandchild ... with the "other grandma."

I'm willing to bet my briefs that's the case with most grandmas. It's certainly the case with me, and I applaud Laura for admitting out loud something I struggle with in secret. (Well, sort of in secret. I'm not that great at keeping such things secret, I've been told.)

I applaud Laura for lots of other reasons, too. She's a brave and interesting woman and you'll learn much about her in Grilled Grandma: Laura. But there's far more to her than what she lets on in her replies to my questions, so be sure to visit her blog -- which she's been writing for about SIX YEARS now -- to get the full story on Laura. It's a good one! You'll find the link to her blog at the bottom of her grilling.

As I've done the past few Wednesdays, today is yet another Hump Day Free-For-All when it comes to comments. What that means is you can let loose on anything that's on your mind. And today, the day after Election Day, you just might have lots on your mind, lots to let loose. Maybe? Let's hear it!

Today's question:

What's on your mind today -- good, bad, happy, sad, snarky, sweet or silly?

Dishin' and a grillin'

Wednesdays are made for grilling up grandmas and dishing up whatever's on your minds. In other words, today I give you the next Grilled Grandma and the Hump Day Free-for-All.

This week's Grilled Grandma is Camella. Besides having all kinds of wonderful things to say about grandmahood, Camella shares the most precious of photos of two little girls with some of the best little girl names I've heard of in a long time: Althea Clare and Dorie Jean. Sounds like perfect names for a picture book duo. Coming from a grandma with the lovely name of Camella, I'm not surprised by the unique names bestowed upon her sweet granddaughters.

Read about Camella, Althea Clare and Dorie Jean in Grilled Grandma: Camella. Don't be shy in leaving this special lady comments while you're there.

Next up is the Hump Day Free-for-All, where you can spout anything and everything that's on your mind today. Have at it, ladies! Cut loose and comment!

Happy Wednesday!

Today's question:

What's on your mind today? Confessions? Complaints? Compliments? Do dish -- we'd love to hear it!

Fly-fishing Fanny & Hump Day Free-For-All

This week's Grilled Grandma is a grandma destined to have a picture book written about her. It would be called "Fanny, the Fly-Fishing Granny," for that's exactly what she is.

I met Fanny through a press release I received about her latest offering: an instructional fly-fishing DVD for kids. The pictures in the press release and on her site showed a grandma loving life, a grandma begging to be grilled. So I approached Fanny with questions, and she graciously responded. Head on over to Grilled Grandma: Fanny to read all about it. She doesn't mention fly-fishing in her grilling, so be sure to visit her website afterwards to read Fanny's fish tales.

Last week I instituted the Hump Day Free-For-All and it went over quite well. So here it is again, your chance to let loose with whatever's on your mind. Happy, sad, pissed off or glad, today's your day to spill the beans!

Today's Hump Day Free-For-All question:

What's on your heart, mind or chest today?