Double feature: Grilled Grandma/Hump Day Free-For-All

Welcome to Wednesday, everyone, and the latest and greatest of the Grilled Grandmas. Before announcing who's fresh off the grill, I want to point out that I'm trying something new today, a double feature, if you will. So be sure to read to the end of this post for the details.

First up is, of course, Grilled Grandma: Sharon. You'll find her grilling where you'll find all the other grandma's I've grilled, over in the Grilled Grandma section.

Sharon's grandparenting experience is quite similar to mine so far, in that she has only one grandchild -- a boy, just over two years old. Just like me and my Bubby. One huge difference, though, is that Sharon is one of the lucky few who lives just a few houses away from her grandson and gets to see him any ol' time she pleases. Must be wonderful. (Like my Andie would say: "I know, right!?")

Check out Grilled Grandma: Sharon. And do leave her some comment love ... Grilled Grandmas do appreciate the comments!

Now for today's second feature, which I like to call the Hump Day Free-For-All. Because you'll be commenting to Sharon over on the Grilled Grandma page (right?), I'd like to institute free-for-all commenting on the front-page post on Wednesdays.

What do I mean by Free-For-All? Well, I'm glad you asked. Free-For-All commenting means this is your opportunity to share whatever's on your mind.

Fantastic news? We want to hear it!

Complaints about your life, job, cost of living and movies? We want to hear it!

Got a great deal on rutabagas at the farmer's market? We want to hear it!

Shout-out for a favorite blog or website? We want to hear that, too!

Like I said: It's a free-for-all! Simply say what you gotta say. And if someone else has left a comment that you want to respond to, go for it. Let's get a little conversation going here, ladies. After all, it's a free-for-all!

In that vein ...

Today's question:

What's on your mind today?