Successful gifting

Last night's festivities with my grandsons included swapping Christmas gifts. I asked Megan if we could open gifts early in my visit rather than near the end to give me a few days to enjoy watching the boys make use of the gifts—pillow chaises for movie time (and reading and resting)—that I'd made with love, just for them.

You never know for certain how things will go over with handmade gifts, especially those made for youngsters who have no filter when it comes to expressing their opinions and feelings about presents and other matters. It took no time at all, though, to see that the work I put into their presents was well worth it.

Along with an accompanying gift of a few movies—including Monsters, Inc., their favorite—and bags of Gramma's confetti popcorn as movie snacks, this is one gift to Bubby and Mac I can mark as a sure success.


Today's question:

What is your favorite movie snack?

All boy

As a mother, I had only daughters—no sons. Because of that, as a grandmother with two grandsons—no granddaughters—I relish each and every one of the all-boy moments I'm privy to. Moments such as the following, from my recent desert visit.

Challenging Gramma to go ahead and just try making him take the car out of his mouth:

And blowing raspberries each time she did...til Gramma put an end to that, too:

Figuring out one's favorite stance for rockin':

Each morning, right after breakfast, the boys immediately set to work at playing—in a surprisingly deliberate and focused fashion, showing serious commitment to the task at hand in a way I don't recall my daughters doing:

Though they did often take a break from their morning "work" to jump in their jammies:


Not exactly how my girls used to help Mom make cookies:

What could be more fun than popping bubble wrap?

Why, this...

...and this, of course.

Such fun, these boys who are indeed all boy—and Gramma's all-time favorite mini-males.

Today's question:

What recent all-boy antics have left you chuckling—or scratching your head?

Missing the ordinary everydayness

Now that my kids are long grown and long gone, I occasionally miss the little things about having kids in our midst. Like watching them fully engaged in and enjoying ordinary, everyday activities. No posing or posturing, just playing.

Fortunately I have Megan to text me photos of ordinary everyday moments that, to a grandmother, are not that ordinary at all anymore and are truly something special to see.

To wit, scenes from a recent playdate—an afternoon hosted by Bubby and Baby Mac, featuring a car wash, snack time, and play pals:

So cool to see Baby Mac hanging with the big kids. And Bubby, too, obviously relishing his role as king of festivities.

Today's question:

What ordinary everydayness do you miss from your childrearing years?