

Well, I did it. I finally got up the nerve to get my hair cut. It’s only been <ahem> 8 months or so since I visited a salon.

I typically do go a very long time between cuts because, well, it’s just hair and ponytails are my friend. (Jim has no idea how lucky he is to have such a low-maintenance wife). This time, though, was an exceptionally long time from one cut to the next, thanks to Covid. First visiting a salon was impossible; now …

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A hairy issue

troll doll

I have worn my hair long the majority of my life. From my earliest years, when my mom would cut my bangs straight across my forehead and the rest would hang long down my back, to my high school years, my childrearing years and all the years since. Not Crystal Gayle long, but longer than not. Always.

Except for one year. In...

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Hair and hugs

Mac's hairstylist for the past year or so has been Megan. She was the first to cut his blonde locks, and the only one since.

Last weekend, though, Megan decided to take Mac for his first real haircut. One from a pro, at the place where Bubby regularly gets his hair cut.

Things didn't go so well.

Mac hated the cape and screamed and cried in hopes of having it removed.

So they removed it.

Mac then screamed and cried because he wanted the cape put back on.

So they put it back on.

Then the stylist worked quickly on the haircut while Mac worked just as quickly on a sucker.

Despite the tears and the tantrum and the sticky sucker mess, Mac's first real haircut came out looking pretty darn cute.

Forget the hair, though. All I can see in the photo Megan texted to me is Mac's tears and his expression that says, "Why Mommy? Why in the world did you just put me through that?"

I'm pretty sure Megan was thinking the same thing.

My clean-cut grandkiddo clearly needs a hug.

Megan's voice on the phone relating the ordeal sounded like she needs one, too.

I'm willing to bet Bubby—who was on hand to witness the fun—could go for a hug from Gramma, as well. Just because.

Good thing I'm in the desert today. Have no doubt that Mac, Megan, and Bubby are all getting their fair of hugs from Gramma.

Also have no doubt that Mac does indeed look pretty darn cute in his new-but-not-so-fun-for-anyone 'do.

Today's question:

When did you last cut someone's hair—a child's, an adult's, or your own?

How Grandma sees it: Changes in parenting from the firstborn to the second

Bubby, my first grandson, at nine months old:

Baby hair everywhere.

 Baby Mac, my second grandson, at nine months old:

Baby hair buzzed.

 To be continued ... !

Today's question:

When did you last cut someone else's hair and how did it turn out?