Scenes from Summer 2022

Scenes from Summer 2022

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer, making memories and more with loved ones.

I was blessed with memorable moments with many a loved one since pressing pause on Grandma’s Briefs for the season.

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Summer 2020: What I didn't tell you

Summer 2020: What I didn't tell you

July 25, 2020, marked the eleven year anniversary of Grandma’s Briefs. During many summers, I’ve taken a break from blogging from Memorial Day through Labor Day, to allow me time to enjoy summer fun without being obligated to publish anything.

This past summer, I chose not to take a break. I figured that with Covid restrictions and all, I’d have little to do and lots of time to write about the little I might do and see and ponder.

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Blooms and birds: Sights that soothe Covid chaos

Blooms and birds: Sights that soothe Covid chaos

Here we are several months into the pandemic, and Colorado seems to be faring relatively well. We’re one of the few states with falling or stable cases of Covid-19, thanks to (most) folks wearing face masks, adhering to social distancing rules, and refraining from congregating in large groups.

Stay-at-home orders have been gradually relaxed in my state, though not yet completely ceased, and staying home as much as possible is still recommended.

Which suits me just fine, considering the chaos far and wide on pretty much every front imaginable. I’m more than happy being confined to the …

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