Saturday movie brief: Balm for bleak times


When the day-to-day of life turns not so rosy, one of my favorite escapes is through films. Though not an all-out remedy for the blues or bleakness of any sort, personal or otherwise, movies certainly provide relief. For a little while, at least.

Yesterday being the inauguration of our 45th president, I'm in the mood...

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Saturday movie PREview: Flicks coming this summer

As I've spent a fair share of the past week packing and picking projects and fun for sharing with my grandsons during my current visit (hooray! I'm in the desert!) I've had no time to watch films. Not on DVD, Netflix, or in the theater.

So instead of giving you a Saturday movie review today, I'm giving you a Saturday movie PREview. Of lots of films.

Here's a quick sampling of the bigger films...

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The Saturday Post: Rise of the Guardians edition

Spring may have just sprung, but it's never too early for a movie lover to start making her list of must-see films for the holiday season.

The following trailer hit the Internet just this week, and it's a movie I definitely want to take Bubby to see when it comes out around Thanksgiving. (That is, I must add, as long as the yet-to-be-rated movie ends up PG or tamer; I've mentioned before my cringe-worthy experience with Bubby and a PG-13 movie.)

Movie talk aside, spring has indeed sprung. Cheers to getting outside and enjoying it!

Happy Saturday!