Books, Brightly, and Grandparents of Children's Literature

In celebration of Grandparents Day — which is this Sunday, Sept. 10 — I'd like to share with you a grand resource for grandparents that I just recently learned of.

Brightly is a resource for parents, grandparents, and other folks dedicated to raising lifelong readers. The award-winning website, a partnership with Penguin Random House, launched in 2014 and features, as the Brightly site states, "book recommendations from all publishers for every age and stage, reading tips and insights, seasonal inspirations, author essays, contests, gift guides, and more."

Brightly has some pretty great content specifically for grandparents, including the following piece, which I've received permission to share with you in part. Enjoy! And be sure to click for the complete article as well as others, all celebrating grandparents. For Grandparents Day and every day!

By Tom Burns

Grandparents aren’t just solid sources of extra dollars, hearty hugs, and embarrassing...

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Priorities and Grandparents Day

In light of what I shared with you yesterday, I learned this week that some things simply take priority over writing a wise or witty blog post. Or even a stupid and silly blog post.

So I didn't write a post today.

That doesn't mean I don't have a post for you, though. No, no, no — you're not getting away that easily.

While I didn't write anything wise or witty — or stupid or silly — I do have this for you in celebration of Grandparents Day, which is Sunday.


Best wishes for a fantastic Grandparents Day!

Today's question:

What are your Grandparents Day plans?

The Saturday Post: Call Me Maybe - Grandparents Day edition

Seems there's a lip-synching Call Me Maybe video by and for anyone and everyone.

This one by and for grandparents and Grandparents Day ranks as one of my favorites.

Best wishes for a happy Labor Day weekend!