Saturday movie review: Birdman

I just might be the only movie reviewer in the country that doesn't think BIRDMAN should be included on the list of Best Picture nominees for this year's Academy Awards. A quick Google of the film results in endless accolades for the movie. Sure, I thought the acting was fabulous, the filming genius. But Best Picture? Nah... not in my mind.

Birdman movie

BIRDMAN—subtitled OR (THE UNEXPECTED VIRTUE OF IGNORANCE)—is a black comedy starring Michael Keaton as...

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Boys in a Batman pool

Bubby and Mac kicked off summer with their first swim in the Batman pool Gramma gave them last year.

Megan texted a photo of their first dip:


Megan also texted a video snippet of the Memorial Day fun:


Thank heavens for iPhones and a daughter who's willing to use hers quite wisely now and then to help this long-distance grandma endure the space between.

Today's question:

Where do you swim in the summer?

Photo replay: The obsession continues

Thursday was dress-up day for Bubby at preschool. All the kids were to dress as their favorite character from a book. Megan checked in advance and all books—including comic books—were acceptable inspiration.

Naturally, Bubby chose the following character:

Clearly my grandson has an obsession. One my daughter is enabling, to be sure.

Today's question:

Who is your current favorite character from a book? (And don't worry—I won't expect you to dress like him or her.)

Photo replay: Batman returns

Ever since being transformed into a super hero, Bubby has been obsessed with all things Batman—despite having never seen a single Batman movie, cartoon, or series episode.

Thursday Megan sent me a text of Bubby posing for Gramma, decked out in his Batman shirt—which Megan says he likes to wear three days at a time—and the Batman mask GG (his paternal great-grandma) cut from a cereal box along with the awesome Batman card he's holding.

The voting continues: If you liked this post—or Grandma's Briefs in general—please vote for Grandma's Briefs in the Favorite Grandparent Blog poll. Vote once per day through March 21. Thank you!

Today's question:

What super powers do you wish you had today and why?