Snow monster! Plus, GRAND Social No. 200 link party for grandparents

Snow monster!

Like much of the country, I encountered snowy weather on Saturday. Unlike much of the country, though, I also encountered a snow monster on Saturday.


When I woke Saturday morning and sauntered on into the living room, I found this peeking in my window:

snow monster 

A snow monster!

Crazy, right!?

The funky fella hung around much of the day, as temps never rose above freezing. At one point, though, we bid him farewell, and Jim shook him off the branch into oblivion. For the sake of the branch bending under the monster's weight.

With April arriving this week, I figure there are no more snow monsters in my future. At least not until next winter.

(Although... April is historically one of the more snowy months in Colorado, so I may have just cursed jinxed myself.)

GRAND Social No. 200

Funny how I easily believe in snow monsters but find it incredibly difficult to believe this is the TWO HUNDREDTH GRAND SOCIAL! Unbelievable!

Thank you to each and every one of you who links, reads, comments, shares or just plain shows up here for one of the very few (the only?) link party specifically for grandparents!

Cheers to 200! Cheers to you!

grand social link party

How it works:

  • All grandparent bloggers are invited to add a link. You don't have to blog about grandparenting, just be a grandparent who blogs.
  • Grandparents who do not blog (or want to share something other than their own post) are welcome to add links to other posts grandparent readers may be interested in.
  • To link up a post, copy the direct URL to the specific post — new or old — that you want to share, not the link to the blog or website home page. Then click the blue button below marked "Add your link" and follow the directions.
  • I reserve the right to remove posts I feel are inappropriate. (Which hasn't happened yet, but I feel obligated to note that, just in case.)
  • Those who add links to the GRAND Social link party will be sent a weekly reminder when the party goes live. If you prefer to be removed from that email list, feel free to do so (and you'll still be more than welcome to join the party any time).
  • If adding your own post, including a mention such as This post linked to the GRAND Social to your linked posts is appreciated. Or, you can post the GRAND Social button anywhere on your page using the following code:
<a rel="nofollow" href="/" target="blank"><img src="" alt="Grandma’" width="125" height="125" /></a>
  • The GRAND Social linky accepts posts through Wednesday evening, so please come back to see those added after your first visit.
  • If you're not a linker, you have the pleasure of being a reader. Those sharing a link would be honored to have you visit, read and, if so moved, leave a comment even if just "Hey, stopping by from the GRAND Social." Bloggers who link are encouraged to visit and comment on the links of other bloggers, as well.