Seeds and sanguine expectations

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Last week, James and I tackled the springtime task of starting a vegetable garden at Gramma's—something I've never attempted in the past due to an egregiously non-green thumb. After seeing how well Brianna's garden grew last summer, I decided to give it a shot at my place.

So James and I planned, prepped, and planted with sanguine expectations seedlings would soon sprout.

Our eventual bounty will include—thanks to a gift set of heirloom seeds from Megan—cucumbers, tomatoes, red burgundy onions, green onions, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, red peppers, green beans, and even a couple ears of corn. We hope.

Using the heirloom seed containers as a guide, James created markers...

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He helped prep the soil in two containers I will carry outside and back in daily, depending on whether there's sun or snow (this is Colorado)...

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Then he planted rows of seedlings, easy as 1, 2, 3...

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Next James carefully watered the seeds, one by one...


My biggest chore was covering the containers, then—voilà—we were done!

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Now the hard part begins: keeping our fingers crossed, our hopes high, and our eyes peeled for sprouts we'll then plant in the backyard garden area (which we've yet to prepare).

Stay tuned for veggie venture updates to come!

Today's question:

What are your planting plans for spring and summer?