My will-do list: 14 for 2014
/I mentioned yesterday that I'm not big on resolutions, that I didn't think I was big on resolutions. I am, though, big on compiling lists of things I want to do in the coming year. It's not a bucket list, it's what I call a will-do list.
Here's what I have so far...
14 things I WILL DO in 2014
Perfect cinnamon rolls. Ooey-gooey fattening globs of goodness. Yes, I want those. Home made... perfectly made.
Attend a concert again. Jim and I used to be regular concert-goers. Economic woes ended those outings. I need to go again. I will go again. Preferably to Red Rocks.
Roller skate with a grandchild. Bubby recently made his own list. It included roller skating. I'd love to roller skate with him. Perhaps Mac, too — if he promises not to knock over Gramma and roll over her fingers.
Sleep in a city I've never been to. Maybe via a conference, perhaps via a trip. Maybe with Jim, maybe alone. Whatever the case, I want to sleep — and wake up — some place I've not seen before. (I'd prefer having Jim join me.)
Get a cruiser/touring bike. I'm no mountain biker or speed demon, I simply want to get to the library and back. And smile not grimace while doing it. (Basket on front required.)
Have no regrets. What's the quote about regretting more what you didn't do than what you did? Yeah, that's the one I'll live by.
Go line dancing. And slow dancing. I'm a <cuss> dancer. I don't care... as long as my line partners — and Jim, my slow partner — don't either. I just really want to dance again. It's been a long time since I've danced for anything other than exercise, with anyone other than Hunter (which just so happens to be Brianna's dog).
Syndicate. I must, I must, I must do this with my writing. I will. Hold me to it... please.
Hug Jim's mom again. I miss Granny. She may be different but her hugs are (hopefully) still the same.
Fly a kite. The song, "Let's Go Fly a Kite" is far more meaningful since seeing SAVING MR. BANKS. I want to go fly a kite... up to the highest heights.
Make new friends and keep the old. Yep, former Girl Scout leader here. So much silver and gold I have, thanks to friends.
Play "Falling Slowly" on the piano. Sheesh... I almost had it figured out a couple years ago. Then the need to make a buck bit into my piano playing. Time to get back to what makes me happy.
Let go. In so many ways, of so many things. Gripping so tightly hurts — my head and my heart.
Rock three grandchildren at one time. I will have to wait until June to realize this one. After that, though, there's no stopping this grandma from rocking. On... and on... and on.
In reviewing my will-dos for 2014, I realize that, for the most part, I'm craving things I once did that touched my heart, things that made me smile. I'm not sure where or why I got off track, but I will do such things again in 2014. Will you?
To inspire, to celebrate, to kick New Year's Eve off right, I share with you the following. Best wishes for a happy, heart-y start to 2014!
Today's question:
What's on your will-do list for 2014?