Message from Mom
/Despite my penchant for getting rid of things when Jim and I moved to a smaller home last summer, I must admit to a semi-hoarder habit of holding on to things when it comes to my iPhone. Though I delete email from my phone regularly since it all comes through on my computer too, I do have on my phone old text messages and voicemails. Many from a year ago and more.
Today I’m especially appreciative of my semi-hoarder status when it comes to such things.
Today marks one year since my mom passed away from lung cancer. But because I refuse to delete the last few voicemails from her, today — and every day I miss her especially so — I can hear her talk to me. Literally.
Today in remembrance of Mom, I’m sharing one of those voicemails. It isn’t the final message from her; that one breaks my heart to hear as her voice was ravaged by radiation on that one (yet I still hold on to it). This one, though, warms my heart. It’s so Mom … the Mom before cancer and its equally devastating “treatments” took her from me and the many others who loved her.
In many ways, smartphones have an undeniable negative impact on our well-being, our relationships, our society. Yet there are indeed some positive aspects of the technology. Being able to hear a loved one’s voice long after they’re gone ranks high on the list for hoarder-at-heart me.