Jak jumps in!

toddler swimming

Megan and Preston bought a new home in July and immediately initiated the installation of a backyard pool, a requisite feature of desert homes.

The process took much longer than expected, and Bubby, Mac, and Jak grew quite tired of being banned from their backyard (thankfully there's a park across the street to save their sanity, as well as Mom's and Dad's). In light of the long wait, there was much to celebrate when the pool finally opened for family fun, which just so happened to occur on the weekend I was there earlier this month.

Bubby and Mac took to the water like, well, boys who have had years of swimming lessons take to water. Jak required a smidgen more urging.

Soon the siren call of splashing with Dad could be ignored no more, though, and Jak jumped in — while the family cheered him on and Gramma filmed the feat:


I'm betting Roxy the dog will soon follow suit and enjoy some jumping and splashing of her own — whether anyone's watching (or filming) or not.

Today's question:

When did you last jump into a swimming pool?