Following big brother's footsteps... reluctantly

Bubby started taking swimming lessons when he was three years old. Now that Mac is three, he recently began taking them, too.

swimming lessons

For this first session of the summer, my grandsons take lessons at the same place, at the same time. Though they're obviously at different levels, the classes apparently join together sometimes, as they did during the lesson I attended with them on Saturday. This was especially helpful for Mac for Saturday's final task: jumping off the diving board.

Now, as I mentioned, Bubby has three years of experience on Mac when it comes to diving — a relative pro. Mac, well, not so much so, as this was only his second time.

I'm so proud of the way Mac willingly followed his big brother's footsteps — as well as the "feel the fear and do it anyway" slogan. Especially admirable is that Mac made the jump at age three whereas Bubby first jumped at age five.

All the more reason to believe my second grandson truly is growing up far more quickly than his big brother. (I'm reluctant to consider what that might possibly mean for newborn Jak!)

Today's question:

When did you last "feel the fear and do it anyway"?