Off to New Zealand ... again!

One of the greatest things about writing Grandma's Briefs is the wonderful women I meet from all across the globe. I've been introduced to women in Malta, Canada, The United Kingdom.

Most surprising to me, though, is that I've met a handful of wonderful women either from or with strong ties to New Zealand. I've not only met them, I've grilled them.

First there was Grilled Grandma Sally, who lives in New Zealand. There there was Grilled Grandma Billie, whose granddaughter lives in New Zealand. And now there's this week's Grilled Grandma, Pauline, who hails from New Zealand, too!

(I think it's a sign I'm supposed to visit New Zealand. Maybe Jim's making secret travel plans for us. Maybe?)

The word that continually came to mind while reading Pauline's grilling is lovely. She's a lovely grandma, with lovely grandchildren, living in a lovely place, writing a lovely blog sharing all of that loveliness and more.

But there's much more to Pauline than loveliness. Here are three of the many tidbits you'll learn about the latest featured grandma from New Zealand by reading Grilled Grandma Pauline:

Three of Pauline's granddaughters are the same age -- and they're not triplets!

Her seven-year-old granddaughter has a humorous explanation for why she simply cannot be a monster.

The reason why Pauline no longer plays Simon Cowell to her grandchildren.

After reading Pauline's grilling, be sure to leave her a comment or two on your thoughts about her and her little ones. (I bet the word "lovely" surely comes to your mind when thinking of Pauline, too!)

Today's question:

What one word best describes you today?