The next Grilled Grandma
/Believe it or not, this week's Grilled Grandma, Cheri, is the THIRTY EIGHTH grandma I've grilled! It has been so much fun learning about other grandmas, everything from what their grandchildren call them (Cheri's grandchildren call her "Nandy") to the challenges they face as a grandmother.
It's also been pretty darn cool to read about the things they do with their grandkids. It's a super way to get ideas for making the most of my grandma time with Bubby (and any eventual new ones, too, of course). Grandma Cherie offered up a new idea, one I'd not yet heard of from the 37 other grandmas -- and one I'm going to start pestering Megan now to allow me to do in eight years. Here it is, in Cheri's words:
A special thing I do during the grandkids’ 10th year is take them on a trip, just the two of us. When the first one, granddaughter Caitlin, turned 10, she picked Washington, D.C. We planned the trip together and went during her fall break during 5th grade. I bought her books ahead of time, a biography of George Washington and Clara Barton, she read on the way, and we went to both of their homes (Mt. Vernon and Clara Barton’s home & the 1st headquarters of the Red Cross). We rode the subway, walked to all the monuments, Smithsonian, had tea at the Ritz, took lots of photos, and a wonderful time. When we got home, I helped her create a scrapbook about the trip. Each of the other kids are already thinking about where they want to go. I have to save up ahead of time! Caleb turns 10 in October.
What do you think, Megan?
Be sure to read all about Grilled Grandma Cheri. She's got lots of great stories and suggestions. While you're in the Grilled Grandma section of the site, why not check out a few other grillings you may have missed? You'll find the archives of all the Grilled Grandmas in the sidebar right next to Cheri's grilling.
And if you would like to be grilled -- or want to nominate a grandma you know for grilling -- just let me know by e-mailing me a first name and e-mail address.
Today's question:
What's one special grandmother/grandchildren trip you've experienced, whether you were the grandma or the grandchild?