Kids & games: 18 fun ways to choose who goes first

When playing games with kids — or directing getting the ball rolling — choosing who gets to go first can sometimes take longer than the actual gameplay.

That no longer need be the case thanks to the following fun methods I've gathered for grandmothers and others.

ways to choose who goes first 

Creative Eeny Meeny
When I was...

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30 grandchild firsts that only grandparents celebrate

30 grandchild firsts that only grandparents celebrate

There are numerous firsts in a child's life worth celebrating. The milestones Mom and Dad celebrate, though, may be a wee bit different than those Grandma and Grandpa celebrate.

Here are 30 firsts in the life of a grandchild that warm a grandparent's heart and warrant a happy dance:

30 grandchild firsts that only grandparents celebrate

• First time being...

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10 things I'd happily pay others to do

I don't dust my house as often as I should. I did dust this past weekend, though, and throughout the chore — three floors of thirty-plus years worth of accumulated stuff that needs dusting — I continually thought to myself, "Now this is one of those things I'd happily pay others to do... if only I had the money."

Here are 10 more things I'd happily to pay others to do... if only I had the money:

dollar bill

Clean the...

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Eating frogs and other edification

What I learned this week:

tree frog

A frog a day keeps procrastination away. Or something like that. I recently enjoyed lunch with a friend, and she shared with me a book that has helped her, a blogger and writer, accomplish more and procrastinate less. The book is Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy. The frog eating relates to Mark Twain's wisdom noting that if the first thing you do each day is eat a live frog, it's likely the worst thing that will happen all day. The author uses "eat that frog" as a...

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