The Saturday Post: Coming soon to a theater near you edition

My favorite time of year has arrived: the months leading up to the holidays, the months featuring the best movie releases of the year.

Here are a few of the upcoming films I have on my movie-going agenda:






And for tonight, there's this:


Today's question:

What upcoming movies are you looking forward to seeing?

The Saturday Post: May I Suggest edition

I recently had the privilege of becoming part of a private Facebook group of mid-life bloggers and writers. The creative women in that group inspire me daily, and I'm so honored to be in their midst.

One of the co-creators of the group, the beautiful inside and out Chloe Jeffreys, posted last week a video of a conference she attended. The music she attached to the footage was hauntingly beautiful and resonated, soul deep.

Of course I had to search for that song and share it with you here:

May I Suggest — by Susan Warner (thanks to Chloe for graciously including the lyrics)

May I suggest
May I suggest to you
May I suggest this is the best part of of your life

May I suggest
this time is blessed for you
this time is blessed and shining almost blinding bright
just turn your head
and you’ll begin to see
the thousand reasons that were just beyond your sight

the reasons why
why I suggest to you
why I suggest this is the best part of your life

there is a world
that’s been addressed to you
addressed to you, intended only for your eyes
a secret world
a treasure chest to you
of private scenes and brilliant dreams that mesmerize

a tender lover’s smile
a tiny baby’s hands
the million stars that fill the turning sky at night

Oh I suggest
Yes I suggest to you
Yes I suggest this is the best part of your life

There is a hope
that’s been expressed in you
the hope of seven generations, maybe more
this is the fate
that they invest in you
it’s that you’ll do one better than was done before

inside you know
inside you understand
inside you know what’s yours to finally set right

and I suggest
and I suggest to you
and I suggest this is the best part of your life

this is a song
comes from the west to you
comes from the west, comes from the slowly setting sun
this is a song
with a request of you
to see how very short the endless days will run
and when they’re gone
and when the dark descends
we’d give anything for one more hour of life

may I suggest
this is best part of your life


Have a beautiful Saturday.

The Saturday Post: Political ads that don't make you wanna puke edition

Are you as sick of political ads as I am? I don't believe a single word said in a single ad this time around, from either candidate. Such hatefulness and negativity does nothing for me, certainly doesn't make me want to mark my ballot for someone who only denigrates their opponent rather than honestly lay out their plans and raise up Americans to proudly follow their lead.

Dwight Eisenhower was the first to air political campaign ads on television, in 1952 (according to this post from Open Culture). What a long, downward spiral we've taken since Ike's happy jingles and direct answers.

(This last one is erroneously marked as from 1956, but it's 1952.)

I agree with Ike: It is indeed time for a change—starting first with elimination of all the negative and mean-spirited campaigning.

Best wishes for a weekend free of all political ads. Other than those above, of course.

Happy Saturday!

The Saturday Post: Grandparents in the U.S. edition

Ever wonder what kind of impact grandparents have on the lives of their grandchildren, other than the impact I wrote of here?

Well, wonder no more, thanks to this nifty infographic from Generations United:


(Click HERE for original image, which you can click to enlarge.)

Pretty impressive stuff, wouldn't you say?

Happy Saturday, one and all. Make it a memorable one!

The Saturday Post: Call Me Maybe - Grandparents Day edition

Seems there's a lip-synching Call Me Maybe video by and for anyone and everyone.

This one by and for grandparents and Grandparents Day ranks as one of my favorites.

Best wishes for a happy Labor Day weekend!

The Saturday Post: Too Soon edition

This song first stirred my soul several years ago, when EastMountainSouth was the opening act at a Tracy Chapman concert. I've loved the song ever since, yet never really in relation to one specific person. Until now.

This is for Margie, who left us Friday morning, far too soon.

The Saturday Post: Happy birthday edition

Julia Child's birthday was this past Wednesday. She would have been 100 years old. In honor of her birthday, PBS cooked up this:

Today is the birthday of my very own Julia Child, the Julia Child of our family: Brianna. She turns 30 years old today! I'm nowhere's near as talented as PBS in cooking up birthday fun, but I'm hoping Brianna's birthday celebration will end up being just as tasty and fun as the mashup above. At least to Brianna.

Happy birthday to Brianna!

And to Julia Child.

And happy Saturday to the rest of ya!


The Saturday Post: Shake it out edition

I love this woman's voice. After the hot and rough week that it was, I especially love this acoustic version of one of her most popular songs.

"It's hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake him off."

Want to see the original version? Click the link for Florence and the Machine doing Shake it Out.

Shake it out today, my friends! Happy Saturday!

The Saturday Post: The Boomer Can Can

Even if you're not a baby boomer (born 1946-1964), I'm pretty sure you can relate to this video.

For those of you who couldn't tell who the guy was on the posters they waved around at the end, I couldn't tell either. So I checked into it, and it's George Clooney. Yeah, baby!

Happy Saturday, my boomer and non-boomer buddies!