Weekend movie review: Eddie the Eagle

When it comes to watching movies, I have to be in a certain mood for certain genres. Say, if I'm in the mood for a documentary, a rom-com won't satisfy, no matter how satisfying it might be if I were in a rom-com mood. Many times my husband and I have let a Netflix DVD sit on the shelf for weeks because we're just not in the mood for drama or perhaps historical fiction despite wanting to see the movie at some point.

One genre I'm always up for, though, always in the mood to watch is the feel-good, root-for-the-underdog genre. Which I'm pretty sure isn't, technically, a movie genre. But it's one of my favorite sorts of films, especially if it's based on a real-life wanna-be winner and has a fair sprinkling of humor and sweetness flavoring the inspirational tale being told.

eddie the eagle

EDDIE THE EAGLE, starring Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman, with delightful secondary stars — including Christopher Walken in a brief but key part — is exactly that sort of film.

Egerton plays Michael "Eddie" Edwards, a quirky, committed, and seemingly fearless young British lad who was determined...

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Yay, Broncos! Plus, GRAND Social No. 191 link party for grandparents

Yay, Broncos!

The Denver Broncos are going to the Super Bowl! Hooray for the home team!

It was sheer joy all across social media last night for Broncos fans — and the Broncos — as Peyton Manning and the gang beat (big time!) Tom Brady and the Patriots!

Denver Broncos Instagram page
Celebration on the Denver Broncos Instagram Page

Congratulations, Broncos! Let's take...

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Movie review: CONCUSSION

As grandmother to three rambunctious, sports-loving grandsons who regularly bonk, bruise and bump-up their heads and who will likely continue playing sports through to their adult years, concussions have long concerned me. After seeing CONCUSSION, my concerns about repetitive blows and bonks to my beloved boys' brains in the long-term have grown even deeper. (And are now, in a way, confirmed and justified.)

CONCUSSION movie poster

CONCUSSION tells the disturbing story of Dr. Bennet Omalu's mission to wake up...

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Saturday movie review: Creed

I loved the original ROCKY. The first sequel not so much. All the following sequels? I refused to watch them, as the magic was gone.

The ROCKY magic is back, only it now goes by the name of CREED.

 CREED movie

I must say I was a bit hesitant to pay good money to see CREED, but it won the...

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Wherein a grandson samples sports and a grandma admits her paranoia

My oldest grandson, at seven-years-old, has already tried his hand at many sports.

Bubby has mastered swimming. He's progressed from T-ball to baseball. He's sampled soccer and running and basketball and wall climbing. Plus others I've likely forgot (or didn't photograph).

Bubby's latest sporty venture? Flag football!

youth sports flag football 

Bubby loves it! (Please note that despite...

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Climbing the wall

My grandsons and their parents are pretty much fully moved into their new home. Their backyard, though, is undergoing a mega-makeover (a pool and more!), which means the boys are unable to play outside in the yard for a few months.

Good thing they have a park right across the street.

Despite the nearby park, though, Bubby and Mac were already climbing the walls soon into the relocation. So when PawDad and I were there a week or so ago, Preston took Bubby, Mac, and PawDad to the local community center to burn off some energy playing basketball. And to, literally, climb the walls.

Mac was too tiny for the wall-climbing venture, but Bubby was a pro in no time. He quickly mastered the small wall...

rock climbing kid 

Then Bubby moved on to the medium wall...

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Grandma's all-star! Plus, GRAND Social No. 165 link party for grandparents

Grandma's all-star

My grandsons are sporty little squirts, but as a long-distance grandma, I have few opportunities to see their games and other athletic endeavors. Last week, though, I had the pleasure of attending one of Bubby's basketball games.

I was filled with pride at what a great team player Bubby is as well as how truly awesome the kid is on the court.

youth basketball

Winning news for Gramma: I'll be in the desert again at the end of this week, and...

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An award for Mac, plus GRAND Social No. 156 link party for grandparents

An award for Mac

As long-distance grandparents, Jim and I rarely get to see our grandsons' games, school performances, or award ceremonies. Which is why we were especially pleased to be a guest of Mac's at his end-of-season pizza party for his T-ball team on Saturday where Mac (like all the mini players) received an award for his season-long efforts.

t-ball award 

We never had the chance to see Mac play a game, but...

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