12 things grandmas can't do

12 things grandmas can't do

Grandmas can do some pretty amazing things. That's not too surprising, though, considering that they're mothers super-sized into grandmothers. Their super powers are practically a given.

There are, though, a few things grandmas can't do. At least 12, in fact.

things grandmas cannot do

Grandmas cannot send letters, cards, and boxes through the mail...

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10 non-monetary ways to give on #GivingTuesday

The week ahead is pretty much lined up for us all. There's Thanksgiving on Thursday, then Black Friday followed by Cyber Monday. After that is Giving Tuesday. Other than Turkey Day, Giving Tuesday is the most important of the holiday week, in my mind. 

giving tuesday ideas

Giving Tuesday is... well... it's this...

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Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and 9 more goodies I could eat every single day

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and 9 more goodies I could eat every single day

I recently ate at least one Reese's Peanut Butter Cup every single day for eleven days straight. Most of those eleven days it was more than one.

I blame it on Halloween. And the lack of trick-or-treaters just as much as my lack of motivation to keep my grubby hands out the bag of leftover candy.

food obsessions

See, Jim bought the BIG bag of Halloween candy this year, and when...

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5 ways to be a unique grandparent

5 ways to be a unique grandparent

How often have you thought, "Now that's a great idea! I should do that!" when a grandchild tells you about a fun experience or activity with his "other" grandparents? I admit I have a time or two.

how to be a unique grandparent

Yet our grandchildren are enriched by the varied gifts, talents and experiences each grandparent...

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If I die tomorrow: 6 ways it would stink and 7 ways I'd live on

If I die tomorrow: 6 ways it would stink and 7 ways I'd live on

stairway to clouds

My husband and I recently had yet another discussion on death and dying, as mid-life, long-married couples are wont to do. (It's not just us, right?) Our conversation led me to consider how it's often said that toward the end of life, many folks lament and regret not having said "I love you" often enough, if at all, to those they love the most.

I don't have that concern. I do tell...

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