9 people you'll meet as a grandparent

9 people you'll meet as a grandparent

people grandparents meet

Otherwise known as the in-laws, or the other grandparents. These folks are now your partners for life in this grand gig called grandparenting. Partners in loving your grandchildren as only grandparents can. Hold them close. Have their back and they'll...

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How I know 2016 will be my year

I'm not big on signs and such but...

Oh, wait. I'm a big ol' liar if I leave that in print.

Okay, okay... I am big on signs. Of all sorts. I admit it.

Think I'm silly, if you must. You won't think I'm all that silly, though, once you get a load of this:

The new year, 2016, is going to be my year. The signs say so. Two signs in a row, in fact, that things will soon be looking up for me, signs that 2016 will indeed be my year.

(Which would be awesome and appreciated and oh-so very welcome considering the <cussing> <cus> of a <cussing> year 99 percent of <cussing> 2015 was for me and my loved ones.)

The first sign came when my forever friend Debbie and I went to lunch last week. We've had lunch...

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Holiday pounds affect more than people

I don't know about you, but I've definitely increased in poundage over the past month or two, thanks to the tasty treats and temptations of the season.

People aren't the only ones putting on pounds this time of year, though. Proof of such an assertion: the squirrel of mixed-race — apparently the result of hanky panky between a regular tan squirrel and an Abert's squirrel — I spotted outside my window the other day.

chubby mixed-race squirrel

Chubby little fella...

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Angles and angels and what grandmas won't do for their grandkids

We got our first big snow of the season last month. When Megan heard about the snowstorm, she asked that I make a snow angel to show the boys how it's done. See, my disadvantaged desert-dwelling grandsons have never, ever made a snow angel.

So, being the accommodating grandma that I am, I made a snow angel for my grandsons. As it was too cold and the snow too deep for me to venture out into the yard, I decided to lie down on the snow-covered deck, just outside my kitchen door.

I flapped my arms and legs (the best I could with the rocking chair obstructing my flapping right arm) as Jim made a brief video on my phone of me flapping and flailing for my grandsons then carefully rising from the snow, hoping...

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An evil weevil repeat

Dear readers: Several years ago I shared the following story as part of a paid campaign. Here I share it again (modified) simply because weevils and their evils are on my mind once more as I prepare to host Thanksgiving dinner.

indian corn
photo: stock.xchng

Many years ago I established a tradition of spreading Indian-corn kernels on the Thanksgiving dinner table. Friends and family are invited to place kernels symbolizing their personal blessings in the special "gratitude" dish at any time during the meal.

It’s a kinder, gentler, and less intrusive way of getting all around the table to give thanks without shining an invasive spotlight on folks not used to spotlights or  expressing gratitude out loud, be it to friends or to family.

I could never explain the tradition to newcomers to our Thanksgiving table. Each time I'd begin the explanation, I would get...

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