3 things I learned this week: The good, the not-so-good and the 'Breaking Bad'

Good Thing No. 1:

It was announced this week that Allegiant is once again offering flights from my place to (near) my grandsons' place. Twice a week. For pretty darn cheap prices, even figuring in the cost of paying to lug my Grandma Bag with me when I visit.

grandma and grandsonsThat's great news considering my third grandson will be born in June and I'll be visiting soon after his birth. Also great news because that...

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My husband's mistress, then and now

When my husband and I first started dating, he had a mistress. Their relationship continued even once Jim and I were married. He simply could not give her up, and he definitely could not keep his hands off her.

child with guitar

She had no name — even way back then Jim and I felt the same regarding...

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Eating frogs and other edification

What I learned this week:

tree frog

A frog a day keeps procrastination away. Or something like that. I recently enjoyed lunch with a friend, and she shared with me a book that has helped her, a blogger and writer, accomplish more and procrastinate less. The book is Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy. The frog eating relates to Mark Twain's wisdom noting that if the first thing you do each day is eat a live frog, it's likely the worst thing that will happen all day. The author uses "eat that frog" as a...

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I can keep a secret, plus four more things I learned this week

It's been a week of highs, of lows, of lessons learned. Here are those lessons, in no particular order:

telling a secretI can keep a secret better than anyone else in one particular group I'm a member of. I'm in a group that has a secret. It's a good secret. And I am the only one in the group who has not told anyone else even though we all agreed to keep it a secret. Which surprises me because though I typically have good intentions about keeping good secrets — bad secrets and...

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Grandmas don't get breaks on speeding tickets, plus other lessons learned

Four things I learned this week

gavelGrandmas don't get breaks on speeding tickets: A few weeks ago, as I raced out of town on my way to Denver for a film festival screening, I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop and given a ticket. I admit I was speeding, so I didn't cry in hopes of getting out of the ticket (as I probably should have, considering I've had a clean driving record since 1993). My ticket was $90 and a $15 filing fee; my court date was scheduled for this past week or I could pay the ticket by mail.

"Don't pay it by mail!" is the adamant advice from those who've been there, done that. "You gotta go to court. It'll reduce the charge!" So I went to court Wednesday. My ticket wasn't reduced. In fact, $25 more was added to the fees to cover court costs. I was not happy. I did cry this time... in the car... after paying the freakin' fee.

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