Can I grill you? Plus, GRAND Social No. 199 link party for grandparents

Can I grill you?

Some of you may recall a feature I started here on Grandma's Briefs soon after I started up the site. It was (and still is) Grilled Grandmas, a Q&A with various grandmas of various ages and stages, many of whom are still active in the Grandma's Briefs community, linking here, commenting there. You can check out the numerous grillings I published of fabulous grandmas willing to share their wisdom and wit — and photos of their grandkiddos, too — by clicking right here or on the Grilled Grandmas tab at the top of this page.

I put Grilled Grandmas on hiatus a while back, mostly because I ran out of grandmas to grill. But... there are so many relatively new grandmas in the online grandma community, I'd like to get back to publishing grillings of any grandmas who would like to be featured. Which is where YOU come in.

If you're interested in being featured as a Grilled Grandma and having...

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Easter treats & eats: Inspiration for your spring celebration

Surprise! Easter is right around the corner!

Add some silly to your celebration with these ideas I shared in Easter seasons past:

easter ideas for kids


Easter will be here sooner than we think, meaning now is...

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What's been missing! Plus, GRAND Social No. 197 link party for grandparents

What's been missing!

Grandma's Briefs is all about the lifestyle of a grandma. Though I've recenty shared things part and parcel of this grandma's lifestyle, such as travel pieces and movie reviews, I've been remiss in sharing what makes this grandma, well, a grandma.

Meaning, my grandsons, who've been missing from Grandma's Briefs lately as other things have been all consuming.

So today I remedy that — right here, right now — with two videos of the munchkins.

First, the early morning greeting Bubby and Mac sent to Jim (aka PawDad) on his birthday last Wednesday:

Next, a video of Jak displaying his newfound skill of...

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Weekend at the Y, plus GRAND Social No. 195 link party for grandparents

Weekend at the Y

Welcome back! Those of you who follow me on Instagram may already know this from the photos I've shared the past few days, but I spent this past weekend at the Y. The YMCA of the Rockies, to be exact, for a log-cabin stay focusing on multigenerational travel and all the fun to be had at the amazing resort-like property located in Estes Park, Colorado.

The multiple generations staying at the Y with me and Jim were Brianna (our oldest daughter), her fiance Patrick, and Patrick's son whom we all know here on Grandma's Briefs by his bloggy nickname, Bud. Our first picture upon settling in at our cozy cabin Friday night:


We had a super time at the aaah-mazing YMCA, and I have much to share with you. But we arrived home late Sunday evening (which is when I'm writing this) and I've...

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Play it again, Gram: 28 Valentine's Day jokes for kids

Here we are, mere days away from Valentine's Day and I've not yet shared my post of corny jokes for the lovey dovey day! How can that be?

Time to remedy that! So here they are, straight from the archives!

Share a chuckle and groan with the ones you love this Valentine's Day. And if you have a Valentine's Day joke or two of your own, please share in the comments.

valentine's day jokes for kids

Why is Valentine's Day the best day for a celebration?
Because you can party hearty.

How can you tell the calendar...

Click to read the original post with the original jokes...