The Saturday Post: Movie mash-up double feature edition

I love a good movie-clip mash up, and this week I was treated to two of the best I've seen in quite some time.

The first came to me by way of VSL and is movie clips made into song—a song we all know and (maybe) love...and will be humming the rest of the day.

(Hello from ant1mat3rie on Vimeo.)

The second was sent to me by my friend Kate, who kindly posted it on my Facebook wall. It's a scary one and, as noted with her original post, should be watched with the lights ON. (If you don't like scary movies, scroll back up and watch "Hello" again instead. Seriously.)

Both very well done indeed!

Enjoy your Saturday...and your "Hello" earworm!

The Saturday Post: Third-act edition

This video, at just over 11 minutes, is longer than I typically like to share. But it's well worth it, especially inspiring for those of us who are aging. And isn't that all of us?

Today's question:

What would you most like to do in your third act?

The Saturday Post: National Old Rock Day edition

Thought the holidays were over? Think again, for today is a holiday of a special sort: It's National Old Rock Day!

In recognition of National Old Rock Day, here is a video of some of the oldest rocks in town, my town: the glorious rock formations of Garden of the Gods. And to double your pleasure for National Old Rock Day, the video is accompanied by a rendition of a popular tune by some old rockers themselves, Led Zeppelin. (If you don't like Zeppelin—or if the rendition grates on your nerves as it did mine after a mere moment or two, despite being a huge Zeppelin fan—just mute it; the imagery is worth viewing in silence.)

Not only is Garden of the Gods mere minutes from my home (25 to be exact, per Google), it's where Preston proposed to Megan in sunrise. Sweet!

Happy National Old Rock Day!

Today's question:

What does the term "old rock" make you think of?

The Saturday Post: Cracked-up-carols edition

Enjoy these mashups of a different sort in which musica intima vocal chamber ensemble combines religious Christmas songs with secular ones.

Better yet, I dare you to try and sing along.

Today's question:

Of all holiday tunes, which one do you most enjoy singing (not listening to)?