Battling the bug

Battling the bug

Battling the bug!

My three grandsons from the desert (and their parents) spent the long MLK weekend at our house, to celebrate Benjamin’s baptism. It was a fast but fabulous family time and I have much to share of our couple of days together. But I haven’t yet… because I’ve been battling a persistent bug of a stuffy, snotty sort ever since the boys headed home. I’ve had neither the energy nor inclination to post the pics nor share the story, but hope to—nay, plan to!—soon.

Not only has my battle with the bug kept me from regaling you all with shots and such from my…

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So much to say

So much to say

When I was growing up, my mom and I didn’t talk much. At least not about big things, important matters mothers and daughters should discuss. No talks about girl things, God things, goals, dreams, birds, bees, boys.

The reason our communication focused only on surface stuff is debatable. My introversion? Mom’s aversion to uncomfortable truths? Her (justified) preoccupation with raising seven kids mostly on her own?

Whatever the reason, I promised myself…

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Baby faces

Baby faces

Jim and I babysat Benjamin last week while Brianna and Patrick went to Patrick’s company Christmas party. Being on the cusp of two months old at the time, there’s not a whole lot that Benjamin does, as far as playing with Gramma and PawDad.

He does, though, provide plenty of facial expressions, which I just can’t get enough of.

To wit:

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Firsts: Declan and snow... snow... snow!

Firsts: Declan and snow... snow... snow!

Megan made the trek from the desert to Colorado last month, to meet newborn nephew Benjamin. Brayden and Camden stayed home with Dad so they wouldn’t miss school, but as Declan is obligated only to two mornings a week at preschool, he had the privilege of joining Mommy for the visit.

The first morning of their stay at my house, Declan woke me early, bounding into my bedroom exclaiming, “Gramma! It’s SNOWing!”

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