Review: Gramma in a Box


Grandma Terry Chamberlin has come up with a pretty sweet subscription service for serving up grandma-style food activities from faraway. When three of Terry's grandchildren moved away from her, she began sending them boxes of cookies and treats to go along with their Skype sessions. She soon realized other grandmas just may want to do the same, and the Gramma in a Box subscription service—tagline Gramma does all the work. You have all the fun!—was born. 

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Coming soon from Goliath Games: Pop Rocket (game review)

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Game play is a given any time my grandkids and I get together. Despite last month's visit from my grandsons being their shortest stay ever, we still successfully fit in not only game time, but game review time.

Mere days before my desert-dwelling grandsons arrived at my door, I received a package from Goliath Games with new options for family fun launching at all major retailers this fall. First up for review by Brayden, Camden, Declan, and their Colorado-based cousin, James: Pop Rocket, featuring the intriguing tag line, Catch the most stars when he pops to win! 

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Review: Bifocal readers from

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I can no longer deny that readers are an absolute must for me. Stretching my arm as far as can be in hopes I might see print large or small hasn't made a difference for quite some time, so readers strewn about my house are a given.

Another given of late has been that those readers go off and on, off and on, up and down depending on what I'm doing. I put them on to check my phone, take them off to see the television across the room. Put them on to read a restaurant menu, prop them atop my head to...

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Wherein I review 'I've Been Thinking... Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life'


I've long been a fan of—and subscriber to—Maria Shriver's The Sunday Paper. In her weekly e-newsletter, Shriver shares empowering, encouraging, inspirational thoughts and information on people making a positive difference in our culture, our world.

Shriver opens each newsletter with an engaging personal message  titled "I've been thinking...," on a range of topics relevant to world events and concerns. She follows up with powerful articles and tidbits by and about various "Architects of Change," as she calls the passionate "changemakers moving humanity forward." 

The Sunday Paper never fails to open my eyes and heart to the positive possibilities in our world today despite the doom, gloom, negativity, and nastiness proliferating online and off.

So when I was offered the opportunity to review I've Been Thinking... Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life, Shriver's most recent book, inspired by the messages she writes and shares in The Sunday Paper, I naturally responded, "Heck, yeah!"

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