Grilled Grandma: Olga

How many children do you have? I have two — son, Kevin, and daughter, Amy.

How many grandchildren? What are their ages? My grandchildren are Amy's daughter, Kristen (9 years old going on 40) and Amy's son, Dane (4 years old).

Any great grandchildren? No.
What do your grandchildren call you? Grandma

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother?
At the time, we were planning a move out of state—so being a part of his/her life was a big concern.  We ended up not moving.

How often do you get to see your grandchildren? I try to see them once each month.  I do spend the winter in Florida so there is a long three-month break there.  I really want them to visit there.

What is the best thing about being a grandma?
Being able to do the fun stuff without the day to day worries and chores of raising a family. When I am with the grand kids, we play.

What is the most challenging part of being a grandma? I am concerned about the future--what kind of world we seem to be living in right no with the economy and the politics of mean-spiritedness. Heck, I worry about those things TODAY, not just for the future.

Describe a recent time that one (or more) of your grandchildren made you laugh out loud.
They come for a visit and say that they want to live at grandma's house.  That makes me laugh, but also gives me a nice warm fuzzy.

What is your favorite thing to do with grandchildren who visit your house? I like doing out door things--going to the playground, hiking in the woods, going for a swim in the summer.  I also like when we sit down to read, draw or complete crafty projects.

What is your favorite thing to do when visiting grandchildren at their house? Pretty much the same things that we do at my house.  At their house, they sometimes talk me into trying some of their computer games and then laugh at me for my inability to comprehend how they work.

How do you maintain the bond between yourself and your grandchildren between visits?
They are not big on talking on the phone.  I'll send little gifts or they will send me notes or pictures they have drawn. Their mom posts pictures on Facebook, too, sometimes.

What do you most want to pass along to your grandchildren?
A sense that they are good and worthy people who can accomplish things in the world and a sense of adventure and willingness to travel.

What is one word you hope your grandkids think of when they think of you? Loved.

What is one thing you wish you had learned earlier as a grandparent?
That certain things are going to become not only memories but established traditions!

What one bit of advice would you give a new grandma? Enjoy the ride, but don't be a back seat driver.

Head on over to Olga's blog Confessions of a Grandma to learn more about this interesting grandma for whom this grilling has only scratched the surface!