Grilled Grandma: Kathy

What is your first name? Kathy

How many children do you have?
Two awesome girls, Kristen (25) and Kelly (23).

How many grandchildren? What are their ages?
I have a five-year-old granddaughter named Mikayla Renee' who is my girl...(I call her G.G. sometimes for Gramma's Girl) and another granddaughter in utero due to craze up our lives next January.  Her name will be Leilah Nicole.  SO COOL having two granddaughers!  I'm psyched!

Any great grandchildren? If so, how many and what are their ages?
None yet....hopefully it will be a while!

What does your grandchild call you? Gramma Kat

How often do you get to see your grandchild?
I volunteer at Mikayla's kindergarten one morning a week and I usually go with Kelly to pick her up one day a week too.  I also go to her swimming lessons about every other week.  It's SO GREAT to be in the same town!

What is the best thing about being a grandma?
It's like a having another child but I don't have to make sure they get vegetables ("sure honey, M&M's and sweet tea for breakfast is GREAT?").  I get the fun stuff and then give her back.

What is the most challenging part of being a grandma?
Holding back the "mom" in me when Mikayla's mom is there.  She has a mom and I'm not her.  Sometimes it's a challenge to not just react and to let mom handle things

Describe a recent time your grandchild made you laugh out loud.
Last night.  With joy.  She said, "I can't believe I got to see you THREE TIMES today gramma!  It was the best day!"
And then the other day when we were in a family gathering talking with my young niece about baby names and Mikayla piped up with "I don't like black poodles."  Say what?  LOL! Now it's our side joke when someone interrupts off topic. 

What is your favorite thing to do when your grandchild visits your house?
Be outside.  Filling up the wading pool, walking the dog, taking her pink Barbie scooter for a walk (since I usually end up carrying it).  Being outside is great because she is a great collector of nature and I always have reminders of her after she's gone. 

 What is your favorite thing to do when visiting your grandchild at her house?

 Play in her room.  It's time for mommy to get some things done and me to have a little one-on-one time with her.  We usually end up reading books.

What do you most want to pass along to your grandchildren?
The love of people.  Taking people as they come, not as you want them to be.  It's hard, but it's one of the most valuable things I can think of.

What is one word you hope your grandchild(ren) think of when they think of you?

Visit Gramma Kat at her blog, What Happens at Gramma's ... stays at Gramma's!, and at her etsy shop, HelloKathy Jewelry.