Grandma's Briefs

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Snow at last

Though much of the country has had far more snow this winter than want and know what to do with, the Pikes Peak Region — the place I call home — has had nothing measurable nor magical.

Saturday we got measurable, we got magical, we got happy thanks to moisture-filled snow that fell most of the day.

Of course, as is typical for Colorado, snowy skies Saturday transformed into sunny skies Sunday. Temps rose little, though, so the blanket of white stuck around and created an enchanting winter wonderland Jim and I — and Mickey Dog, too — enjoyed viewing from indoors.

Outside critters didn't get such a thrill from the chill, I believe, based on the seemingly perturbed peeping Tom perched outside my living room window Sunday morning.

Winter sure took its time wending its way through Colorado Springs, yet I have no doubt we'll see more of it. Or more likely its psycho sister, spring, who historically brings my city to a blizzardy standstill at least once during March or April each year.

Considering the lack of help from Old Man Winter the past few months that left us teetering on an upcoming drought status, I'll welcome the wetness with open arms.

As long as my privileged status as an indoor critter versus an outdoor critter continues, that is. (Sorry Mr. Squirrel.)