Fall favorites
One of my fave fall photos: Andrea (7) and Megan (two months short of 9) in 1992
Fall has long been my hands-down, very most favorite season of the year.
I’m certainly not alone in my autumn adoration, as there are plenty of grandmothers and others who’d answer fall if asked what’s their favorite season of all.
We may not all give the same answer as to why fall is our favorite, though.
Ranker, a “digital media company for opinion-based, vote-able content on just about everything,” recently sent me a round up of rankings on fall-related topics, including Best Things About Fall. The list included the rankings of top fall goodies according to more than 32,000 site visitors. The top 10 go like this (at the time of my writing this post yesterday):
Autumn Leaves
Comfy Clothes
Crisp Air
The Weather
Hot Chocolate
Cozy Fire
Cozy Sweaters
Everything Seems More Mysterious (including that answer, I say)
(You can see the rest of the rankings — up to 60 — right here on the Ranker website site)
Now, I appreciate much of what rounds out the Ranker top 10, but my personal Top 5 would go like this:
Visits with my desert-dwelling grandsons, Brayden, Camden, and Declan … which fortunately occur nearly every fall — plus another time or two during the year — at either their place or mine
Sweater weather and Indian Summer
Caramel Apple Taffy … and, more recently, Werther's Limited Edition Original Harvest Caramels Apple Soft Caramels (ohmigosh! have you tried them?)
The collection of cozy: cozy socks, cozy blankets, cozy fires, and more
The scenery, including colorful leaves and spectacular sunrises like this one I photographed Monday, the first day of fall:
Regarding my No. 1 reason above, this year’s fall visit with my desert-dwelling grandsons kicks off today! In fact, I wrote this post during a break in the Grandma Bag-packing process as I prepped for the flight Jim and I catch tonight.
Hooray for fall visits!
Hooray for fall!
What are your Top 5 favorites of fall?