Gifts kids will open again and again: Books to entertain and educate (7 brief book reviews)

On the lookout for holiday gifts for youngsters? You can't go wrong with these interesting, informative, colorful, and downright delightful options for kids of various ages!

my little book of animals


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7 stages of scary: Spooky tales for tots to teens

candlewick press halloween books

Contrary as it may seem considering their concern about monsters under their beds and boogeymen in their closets, kids like to be scared. Proof of that lies in their endless appetite for books about things that go Boo! and bump in the night.

All kids. Of all ages. (And even some grown ups, too. You know...

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Family, 'Let's Talk' card game kicks off inter-generational conversation

My biggest missed opportunity was?

I'm grateful we've never had any ________ in the family.

What pop songs or album would you want to hear performed by a full orchestra?

I'd be willing to do ________ for a million dollars.

The teacher who turned on the brightest light for me?

Those enlightening questions are just a few of those friends and family not sitting at the little kid table will enjoy answering during dinner conversation this holiday season when the Family, Let's Talk card game is on hand.

family, let's talk card game

Family, Let's Talk is a deck of 412 cards...

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Brief book review: The Brain, An Illustrated History of Neuroscience

An absolutely fascinating compendium of facts and milestones related to "arguably the most complex thing in the Universe."

The Brain illustrated history of neuroscience

Publishing Oct. 21, 2015 and available on

Disclosure: I received this book free for review; opinions are my own.

Brief book review: The Grandest Love

A grandfather writes on "Inspiring the Grandparent-Grandchild Connection."

the grandest love review

(click graphic to access publisher website)

Disclosure: I received this book free for review; opinions are my own.

ASUS MeMO Pad 7 LTE tablet: A super tool for Intel's Family Skill Swap and more

Chances are your grandchildren know a whole lot more than you. At least about some high-tech gadgets and games and such.

You know a whole lot more than them, though, on other skills. Things like handicrafts and cooking crafts, playing musical instruments and more.

Considering the wealth of knowledge on their part and yours—albeit in different areas—how cool might it be to swap some of that knowledge, share those skills? Intel encourages grandparents to do exactly that by inviting a favorite youngster to swap skills between the generations.

Intel created an invitation for such swapping, something they call a Family Skill Swap. It looks like this:

Intel Family Skill Swap 

Click on that graphic for a PDF version you can print and pass along to a grandchild or two...

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Brief book reviews: Holiday tales in The Love Letter Book Series for children

Colorful holiday offerings from a fun, Christian-based series for kids, written by Soraya Diase Coffelt and illustrated by Tea Seroya.

love letters book series books for kids

Disclosure: I received these books free for review; opinions are my own.

Brief book reviews: 7 super school-time stories

School is the focus for one and all once fall is in the air, even when it comes to reading for leisure not learning.

Candlewick Press offers the following seven super school-time stories for students of various ages to enjoy—once their homework is done, of course.

Mouse's first night at moonlight school


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